Jeetu Nepal is an immensely popular Nepali Comedian, known as Mundre, is a Nepali comedian, actor, writer and director of weekly television comedy series Jire Khursani. He had also acted in super hit movie Chha Ekan Chha and Woda Number chha 2015.
Comedy is that which makes one laugh. Comedies present the mostly happening activities in the society,country in funniest way. The main aim of all comedies is to give people full entertainment , satire and make people awareness on the unacceptable activities happening with in the society and country. As Aristotle state that comedy or humor which causes no pain or destruction . . . is distorted but painless" .
The comic action is perceived by the audience as causing the participants no actual harm: their physical, mental, and/or emotional well-being may be stretched, distorted, or crushed, but they recover quickly and by the end of the performance they are once again in their original state.Six elements are required for something to be humorous:
It must appeal to the intellect rather than the emotions
It must be mechanical It must be inherently human, with the capability of reminding us of humanity.
There must be a set of established societal norms with which the observer is familiar, either through everyday life or through the author providing it in expository material, or both.The situation and its component parts (the actions performed and the dialogue spoken) must be inconsistent or unsuitable to the surrounding or associations (i.e., the societal norms) It must be perceived by the observer as harmless or painless to the participants.
When these criteria have been met, people will laugh.
Jitu Nepal's New Comedy
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