Tiger Shroff is an Indian actor popular in bollywood industry. He is the son of renowned Bollywood personality Jackie Shroff. He made his debut in Bollywood with ‘Heropanti’ starring Kriti Sanon. He was seen in the film Baaghi.Tiger was born on 2 March, 1990 to Jackie Shroff and Ayesha Shroff. He chose his stage name to be ‘Tiger’, whereas his real name is Jai Hemant. He is a student of martial arts and has been practicing it from the age of four. He never had a keen interest in becoming an actor instead always wanted to become a football player but later was unable to see a better future in football and decided to focus on his acting career.
He has completed his educational qualifications from American School of Bombay. He has onesibling, a sister Krishna Shroff three years younger to him. His maternal grandfather was Air Vice-Marshal, Ranjan Dutt and paternal grandparents were Kakubhai Shroff an astrologer and Rita Shroff an ethnic turk.
He has completed his educational qualifications from American School of Bombay. He has onesibling, a sister Krishna Shroff three years younger to him. His maternal grandfather was Air Vice-Marshal, Ranjan Dutt and paternal grandparents were Kakubhai Shroff an astrologer and Rita Shroff an ethnic turk.
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